Monday, August 14, 2006

Food, Pottery and beads, oh my!

September's meeting of the First Sunday of the Month Club began at approximately 4 pm. at the home of Erin Shea. Ms. Patrick was bedecked in a bewitching ensemble of purple tie dye. A mere 20 minutes later, she reappeared, transformed, in a lovely frock of lavender.Refreshments were created and served by yours truly, and included Guacamole, salad of tomatoes and onions in a light vinegrette, nuts, potato salad, and assorted fruits and cheeses. Desserts included fudge and petit fours purchased and lovingly arranged, by the lovely Bethloonie. Bethloonie had snapshots to share of recent family trips to Chicago, and New Harmony. Each member shared stories of children in their lives, including nieces, nephews, and friends of our families. Our presence was graced by the ever dilatory, Ashlawn, who supplied the components for our evening craft project. An assortment of beads, cords, notions, and findings were supplied for each member to create his or her own piece of original jewerly. Our hostess, a gifted semi-professional potter, allowed each member present to select a hand made pottery creation from her extensive collection. Your editor, picked a lovely lidded vessel with a wonderful patterned beige glaze and a "starry night" glaze within. Pictures were taken to commemorate the evening's festivities. Plans to meet again in the near future were discussed, and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:30 p.m.
Your ever diligent editor,

In up coming issues, look forward to member recipies, including Bobbie Sues award winning deviled eggs. Also, check out an ingeniouis storage solution for all of those leftover styrofoam egg cartons you've been saving for a rainy day. No, you won't want to miss The Inconceivably Versitale Egg issue!!!