Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bachin' it ramblings...

So, I'm sad, Scott is on a fabulous caribbean cruise, and I'm stuck here doing homework. I'm so thankful that he got to take a vacation, even if it is without me. I'm not bitter. No really, I'm not. I know this is what I need to be doing and where God wants me to be. A little sunshine would be nice though. Although there was a beautiful snowfall today as I was heading to church. I have beef stew in the crockpot that is smelling awesome, even though it's a getting to be a little too late to eat. Never made it before, but it's turned out pretty well.
I only see Scott on the weekends usually, and he's only gone for an entire week. He left Saturday, and gets back next Sunday afternoon. Then why does my heart hurt so much? After 6 years you would think that not seeing him for a week would be no big deal, but somehow it is! I love him more now than ever. He's stood by me through all my drama of work, family, and now school. We may have had our rough patches and broken up a few times, but we're together and strong now. Are there a couple of issues, uh yeah, but I'm willing to work through and around them if need be. I've had nothing but support from him all through this saga of my going back to school. He's so happy that I've finally chosen a career and am getting out of my HPB rut. As Antonio says it's the golden handcuffs. They make it hard not to leave. The benefits are just too awesome. I'm scaref of when I have to quit in august and begin student teaching. It will be the first time that I have been unemployed since highschool. Even in college I worked at least part time. I have plenty of savings from my car, student loans, and frugal (ish) living, so I should be okay. I always have my wonderfully supportive parents if things get too dire. I appreciate them more than I can ever tell them. I am so thankful for the support of my family and friends. Without them, I wouldn't be able to get through this crazy life of work and school. I thank God for each and every one of them. Well, I'm feeling better and not so sorry for myself. Yes I miss Scott and will continue to miss him, but I know that he's coming back to me soon and that's all the souvinir that I need. Although some cool shells might be nice!