Friday, October 28, 2005

"No pictures please" previous post

This was taken in January 2005 in the dressing room at Foolite. I'm surely expounding on something all important like the necessity of seeds in raspberry jam or extolling the virtues of Colgate over Crest. Notice John and Amy (in the mirrors) in rapt attention of my orations. I just have power over people that I must remember to use for the common good.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

My Biaches and the amazing disappearing shirt!

philbug, lezbor, pregor, adultor, and
the amazing disappearing shirt.
Sounds like a band name to me.
So here we are at the ISM. I just love that "-ism." The Indiana State Museum that is. We also have an IMA, Indianapolis Museum of art, and an IMOCA, Indianapolis Museum of Modern Art. Gotta love those wacky acronyms.
Notice the trendy 3d glasses we are wearing. Try not to notice the amazing, disappring shirt! So, I don't even notice the shirt thing until I'm uploading photos onto my computer. I saw this pic and just about peed my pants. It make me laugh EVERY time I see it or even think about seeing it. Poor Beth in her way cute Scorpio shirt that has secret powers. OH, also notice I'm wearing a Closer t-shirt. Got it as a free promo from my bf. Finally, I saw the movie this week. I hated it. Even with all the beautiful people in it. 3 words: Jude, Law, Yum. I still hated it. But I love that cozy, light-weight shirt. I'll probably still wear it. It's not like it's an Ishtar or Gigli t-shirt. Ok, haven't seen them, but I've heard. Well, can't think of anything witty tonight/this morning.
later, gators, xophilbug

Morgan and me
I'm not a celebrity whore or anything, but I just love Morgan Freeman. This was at the 2004 Snake Pit Ball for the Indianapolis 500. I was a very nice man, calm, patient, didn't get annoyed by all the gawkers wanting his picture, while he was trying to eat his dinner. He even got up and did the Electric Slide with the rest of the dancers. And he's so tall. I'm standing/crouching, and he's sitting down. Okay, I know I'm also short!!!

New look.

I am sooo not that computer literate! I know what I need to know, as I need to know it. I hope I like this new look. I really need to figure out how everything works on here!
Coming soon, FSOTMC pics from past "meetings", including the amazing disappearing shirt!
My oh-so-cute bunny rabbit named, Hop. Is jumping around the room, doing his "bunny dance" as I call it. Too cute!!!
night all.

Grudge Girl

Ok, d@# I did it again, starting with "ok", ugh. so, I'm reading my friend grudgegirl 's blog. HI-larious, I must say. Check it out; you won't be disappointed. So, more ramblings, for today, only 8 months between posts. I have no idea why I have this thing, but I figure I might as well use it. My boyfriend says if I put anything about him in this blog, he'll kill me. So, I won't. He just doesn't get it/see the point/is a pretty private person. That's cool, I have no secrets. Well, at least none you're going to find out. Well, let's see, dum de dum... oh, something about me, okay. drat!
I work in the world's largest used bookstore chain, Half Price Books, (HPB). I know, I know, you wish you could touch me. I have held several different positions there. Not, of the sexual type mind you. I started out as the lowly bookseller/worker one. This is what everyone starts out as. I progressed to "worker two" (more resposibility, maybe a smidge more pay) and then to "store inventory manager" (SIM) . Again, more responsibility, maybe a smidge more pay. I had to do displays, process shipment, order/reorder merchandise, etc... I eventually made it to ASSISTANT MANAGER #2. Ooh ahh, now you REALLY want to touch me don't you? This was basically low man on the totem pole manager. I was in charge when no one was around, but still couldn't make any major decisions. then I moved to NYC ok, really Jersey City, just across the river with my then boyfriend, and one of my best girl friends. "We're going to Broadway Y'all"(Parker Posey as Libby Mae Brown in Waiting for Guffman.) Yeah, whatever. Let me state right now, this was not my dream. It was the dream of my then boyfriend and best girl friend. Yes, I love to perform, but was happy here in l'il ol' Indinapolis. But my heart won out over my head, and I followed someone else's dream. We left in early November, and I came back to Indy the 2nd week of January. My turn of the Milennium was spent with me slobbering all over myself about wanting to go home. I guess that's one way to start off a new century. I called my mom, and said I was coming home. I called my manager, sure I could come back to work. And I did, and was lowly" bookseller" again, and then SIM again, and then back to bookseller. And that's where I am 10, yes TEN years (ok in April) of working at HPB.
In a rut? You betcha' sistah. But I'm making changes. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but I know it's not a bookseller.
until next time.