Wednesday, October 26, 2005

My Biaches and the amazing disappearing shirt!

philbug, lezbor, pregor, adultor, and
the amazing disappearing shirt.
Sounds like a band name to me.
So here we are at the ISM. I just love that "-ism." The Indiana State Museum that is. We also have an IMA, Indianapolis Museum of art, and an IMOCA, Indianapolis Museum of Modern Art. Gotta love those wacky acronyms.
Notice the trendy 3d glasses we are wearing. Try not to notice the amazing, disappring shirt! So, I don't even notice the shirt thing until I'm uploading photos onto my computer. I saw this pic and just about peed my pants. It make me laugh EVERY time I see it or even think about seeing it. Poor Beth in her way cute Scorpio shirt that has secret powers. OH, also notice I'm wearing a Closer t-shirt. Got it as a free promo from my bf. Finally, I saw the movie this week. I hated it. Even with all the beautiful people in it. 3 words: Jude, Law, Yum. I still hated it. But I love that cozy, light-weight shirt. I'll probably still wear it. It's not like it's an Ishtar or Gigli t-shirt. Ok, haven't seen them, but I've heard. Well, can't think of anything witty tonight/this morning.
later, gators, xophilbug

1 comment:

  1. Dude!
    First of all:

    "IMOCA, Indianapolis Museum of Modern Art"

    Where's the C? (Hee!)

    Second? It's a little weird to view my own boobs all over the internet in this fashion. I guess I always knew it would happen, though. Heh.

    Also? I hope you remember me saying how very very much I hated that movie too. SUCK! Giant vacuum of SUCK!

    To amuse myself while watching it, I did a mental Marxist reading of it. That's right. My own mental literary criticism exercise was more entertaining than this piece of crap. But, interestingly, if you do a Marxist reading of it, it actually makes intellectual sense. Try viewing the women as commodities, and remaining cognizant of everyone's class status, and then it works.

    Here's the hierarchy as I see it:

    Clive Owen: upper-class man
    Jude Law: lower to middle-class man
    Julie Roberts: middle to upper-class woman
    Natalie Portman: lower-class woman

    The men use and exchange the women to try to one-up each other. The women cannot move out of their assigned spheres. The upper-class woman is more valuable than the lower one, and she seems to rather willingly use her status to position herself in society, choosing in the end, of course, to remain with the heinous and brutal, but nonetheless upper-class man. The lower-class woman, possessing the fewest option, rather obviously must resort to selling her body in order to survive. Ultimately, the prevailing hierarchy is reaffirmed at the end, as the middle-class man cannot seem to come out ahead of the upper-class man, and the lower-class woman, having exhausted her market potential in this region, moves on to another country to begin the whole depressing cycle again, as we can tell by the fact that the movie ends up with virtually the exact same shot of her on the street as the one with which it began.

    And that, my friend, is what too many years of grad school will get you!


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