Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Random observations on my walk this evening

Random things that I observed on my walk this evening
(in no particular order or importance):
-I walked over 40 blocks round trip, in theory for exerise, but really just to get an ice cream cone at the South Bend Chocolate Company on the circle. And walking 5 feet to change the channels seems like an overwhelming burden.
-A plywood sign blocking an entrance at a construction site that read, "If you move this you put it back" Why did they have pink and green paint?
-"wink" written in chalk on a sidewalk in a completely ramdom place not near any residence.
-1 filthy paring knife stuck in a flowerbed with half of the white plastic handle missing.
-That no matter how PC I think I am, and that a person's worth has nothing to do with their skin color, sexual preference, national origin, etc... I still cut to the other side of the street if a big black man, homeless-looking person, or group of more than 2 non-white people are walking towards me. I am a very non-confrontational person, and am not the strongest/largest person in the world, so maybe that has something to do with it, but I still feel as if I have commited some act of racism or some sort of social injustice by just avoiding these people. Or maybe I just want to be left alone while I am on a walk?
-A newish house on Alabama Street that has 2 small windows above and one larger one below that make a face. They have even added
a long rectangular box between the top two windows to form a nose. Every time I see this house it makes me smile.
-I love looking in the windows of people's homes. Not that I go up and just stick my face to the glass, (ok, not if they're home) but I just like to observe people and see if their houses' interiors, and owners "go" with the exteriors.
-I get jealous when I see an obviously gay couple enjoying each other's company in the home they share together. This makes me feel like I've just been on hold for the last five years waiting to move in with my boyfriend, and I get depressed thinking there's no end in sight.
-A beautiful sunset, and how I oh-so-much-love daylight savings time.
-I miss my boyfriend, who's in Florida, and it's only been 3 days since I've seen him.
-I can't imagine how much I would miss him if he were truly gone.

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