Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Footlite not Footlight

Yeah, it really is spelled "Footl-i-t-e. I have no idea why. It's kinda like a foot but "lite" as in less fat and calories, I guess. I really hope it is on purpose to make us "stand out" or something, but I think it just makes us look like we've become victims of consumerism and the "slangification" of everything known to man. Yes, you may use my new word, slangification.
So, I'm in The Merry Widow with the IO. Can I just say what a bunch of fluffy nothing this opera is? Yes, it's fun, but take a look at some of our lovely lyrics: "how exciting, tra la la la la la, how delighting tra la la la la la, and if her marriage isn't so, she never marry, no, oh no, oh no." We actually sing this 3 different times, and that's after a soloist sings the whole thing before us (the chorus) each time. BUT, my ULTIMATE FAVORITE LINES are: "For he is as he said before, Parisian to the core, and though we all will whine and pout, we know that soon he'll flee from gay Paree, and then the lovely place he'll be is Les INDEE!" (as in Indy, as in INDIANAPOLIS!!!) Don't ask, it's too painful. And, could someone PLEASE diagram that "sentence" for me? I do get to waltz, so that's fun, even though my partner has two left feet, and I have to pretty much man handle her across the floor. Yeah, I'm a waltzing stud, and you want to touch me. So, I really need to get to bed. It's 5 am, and I have to get for work in two hours and then go to rehearsal until 10:30 after work.

1 comment:

  1. Dude. That is hilarious!

    I'd LOVE to waltz with you!!!



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