Wednesday, November 16, 2005


I meant, consumerisation. Yes, with an "s" like I'm British. I guess "lite" really isn't slang, but some by-product of the prepackaged, overly processed thing we call "food" in our supermarkets. Think Cheez Wiz. ugh. If they have to tell you it is food on the package, do you really want to eat it? As in, Velvetta Cheese food, or Hormel meat product. Give me cheese and meat, not some "product" made FROM them! As, you will learn, I love quotation marks (and parenthesis). Yes, I grew up on mac and cheese in the blue box, and lunch meat, and campbell's soups. I eat that type of thing now, and only taste chemicals, and salt, loads and loads of salt. ICK. Ok, I have been known to use a can of cream of (insert animal or vegetable here) soup in a casserole or some other concoction, but that's about it. Can I just tell you how much I love making and eating casseroles? Tuna, and chicken are my fav's, but sometimes I just do a bunch of veggies, pasta, cream of whatever soup, and top it with bread crumbs and parmasean/romano/asiago, whatever cheese (freshly grated please!) and just bake it up to bubbly goodness. Did I mention I'm cheap, and love taking leftovers for lunch?
So, from where and to what end does this rambling come/go? I have no idea. I really don't know the purpose of this blog other than to make myself write something every once in a while. Although, I don't miss "college" life per se, I do miss writing papers. I'm not into big epics or anything like that. I had the opportunity to have a fabulous English teacher in highschool, who taught us how to write. It's all about a thesis and support, support, support. My writing, though you can't tell from this post, tends to be concise. I figure if you can say it in three pages, why waste your reader's time, and your own, just throwing crap in to make a "page" requirement"? Not to say I don't enjoy READING long works, but I don't think things like a specified page length of an academic paper really proves anything. Ok, again with the rambling.
I'll endwith 3 things:
Stop naming/buying things called"food", and "lite", Buy fresh whatever, whenever you can.

Make a casserole, some soup, or something home made or as I like to call it, "ho' made". (Made by a ho', arent' I clever.) It's cold outside and nothing soothes the soul and tummy, unless you can't cook, like something you make yourself.

Write something every chance you get. It's gotta be good for your brain or somethin'.
later, xophilbug

Oh, and Happy Birthday to my "little" brother, who's 31 today, and my niece who is 4 tomorrow!!!


  1. I need a casserole!


    Happy almost birthday to me (Saturday) and to you (a week after that)!!!

  2. I am soooo lame. maybe I can make you a present, and keep it for months and months after your birthday, just like Erin P's and Charlotte's pillows that I was supposed to make uh, about a year ago. Happy Birthday!!! i am sooo lame.!


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