Friday, December 23, 2005

Les Choristes et Joyeux Noel

Just finished watching Les Choristes (The Chorus). What a wonderful movie; not too sappy, but definitely leaves you with a very warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Although, I am known for my general sappiness. Case in point: I caught the last 2o minutes of Little House on the Prairie today. It was a "flashback" epidsode where Pa, Half pint, Hester Sue, and company reminisce about Christmases past. I am such a sucker for this show. I cannot, CANNOT watch an episode without getting at least a little misty. Ugh, I'm such a sap. That damn Folger's commercial was on last night. You know the one from the seventies that they have updated, about the son coming home from college? OMG, and don't EVEN get me started on the Hallmark Commercials. Okay enough rambling from Weepy McSappy pants.
Have a wonderful, merry, happy and above all safe holiday season.