Wednesday, March 25, 2009

good day

Okay, I'm working on seeing every day as a good day. This is the first of many good days to come. When I'm overwhelmed, I'm going to thank God. When I'm happy, I'm going to thank God. Through all of this, I am going to trust and thank God for this is where I need to be, what I need to feel, how I need to grow. I can't be expected to do everything perfectly. No one else expects it, why should I expect it of myself. Reminds me of the Vampire Song from Title of the Show. If someone else told me all the negative things I say to myself, I would tell them to go f-themselves, but when it comes from my head, then it's "the voice of reason". Self doubt vampire die! God is stronger than me, and any negative thoughts I'm having are not coming from him, so I need to make them go away. I gave up negativity for lent, but I need to refocus on getting more positive not just dwelling on getting less negative. So, today will be a good day no matter what happens. I have something to learn and to give if I just see it from God's point of view.
Good day.

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