Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I have just about finished my kidwatching assignment a week ahead of schedule. Then why do I feel so lousy and overwhemed? Scott is headed down to Louisville to visit his dad. This is day two of Larry's treatment for melanoma. Maybe that's part of it, I'm just worried about all of them. Also my dad had a MRI done for the cyst on his leg. They won't know details until next wed. Maybe that's part of it too. I have to keep trusting God that everything will be okay and that there's really nothing I can do for anyone else at this point except pray.
I need to keep seeing the good. I have to keep reminding myself to keep looking for the good. Sara' s thyroid removal went well. She's recovering and will do a radiation treatment soon just to make sure they got all of the cancer. So, there's good there.
Larry is getting the treatments for melanoma, and with God's will, they will be the treatments he needs, so that's good.
Matt and Jackie and I are finished with 2 smaller assignments so that's good. I just know that the next 2 science assignments and the benchmark for math are huge. Like everything else, I'm sure I will be fine once I start in on them. It's the getting started that is always the hardest. I just feel so overwhelmed at times when starting these big projects.
Okay, I feel a little better now. I'm going to finish my kidwatching and then decide where to proceed next. It's good because God says all things are good. I just can't always see it.
My prayer for today:God please be with Larry and his family as he gets treatments, be with Sara and her family as she recovers, be with all of the other people in my life who are dealing with cancer. Be with Dad and Mom as they await results from his tests. And God, please help me to see you in all that I am going through with life and school. You never promised it would be any easier, but you did promise that you will always be there with me through the good and the bad in life. Help me see you and the good in every situation. Help me to find your strength within me to get through these rocky times.In Jesus' name, amen.

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