Friday, December 23, 2005

Les Choristes et Joyeux Noel

Just finished watching Les Choristes (The Chorus). What a wonderful movie; not too sappy, but definitely leaves you with a very warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Although, I am known for my general sappiness. Case in point: I caught the last 2o minutes of Little House on the Prairie today. It was a "flashback" epidsode where Pa, Half pint, Hester Sue, and company reminisce about Christmases past. I am such a sucker for this show. I cannot, CANNOT watch an episode without getting at least a little misty. Ugh, I'm such a sap. That damn Folger's commercial was on last night. You know the one from the seventies that they have updated, about the son coming home from college? OMG, and don't EVEN get me started on the Hallmark Commercials. Okay enough rambling from Weepy McSappy pants.
Have a wonderful, merry, happy and above all safe holiday season.

Monday, December 12, 2005


So, I have all of the presents I have purchased, wrapped. Yay me!!! Now, I just need to purchase a couple more things and I'm set. Haven't decided if I'm making/buying ornaments this year. I always try to find the perfect one for each person, but this year, I just don't have the energy/inclination.
So, I seriously think I may need some pyschological help. Still can't make any kind of decision on a car or if I want to go back to school, what it would be for, what I want to be when I grow up, where I want to live. I just can't commit to anything, and get panic attacks, at least that's what I'm calling them until I get a professional opinion, whenever I even think about making a big decision. ugh. Life sucks right now. But what really sucks is that nothing really sucks. I'm relatively healthy, can pay my rent, etc.... but something is just wrong. Maybe a healthcare professional can help me sort out my brain. I seem to be getting post holiday blues before the holidays.
Did I mention my car's heater fan doesn't work and I only have heat/defrost when I'm going over 35 mph? So much for being thankful. At least when I had car trouble last week it was only the battery and not the alternator too.
double ugh. Gonna go make some hot chocolate, take a bath and read.
later, philbug

Monday, December 05, 2005

me no feel good

I feel like a pile o' poop, or maybe more like a pool of slime, yes a pool of slimey phlegm. I have yet another sinus infection. The doctor suggested going to an Autolaryncologist, ENT to see if maybe I have some sort of physical defect that's causing my recurrent sinus infections. I just got over one about a month ago. They usually seem to be incurred after my seasonal allergies flair up, but not this one. Ugh, I hate it. I hate being sick I hate blowing my nose every thirty seconds I hate snorting down snot when I don't have a kleenex or don't feel like getting up I hate feeling like I'm going go vomit from the amount of phlegm I injest in a never ending flow I hate that it feels like a three hundred pound man is trying to get out of my head through my sinus cavities I hate feeling all depressed I hate that I can't make a simple decision like do I sleep in pajamas or my clothes because it's just easier to wear what I have on I hate not having the energy to cook which makes me sad because Ilove to cook I hate it I hate it I hate it.
Hope that "sentence" was legible. It was my nod to A Million Little Pieces. That is exactly how the author writes, and it does make the book a bit daunting to read at times. No punctuation and no quotation marks or italics in the entire book. He swithes back and forth from narrative to dialog without a single hint. It is definitely an effect.
So, I'm supposed to be buying a new car. I actually have been buying a new car for over a year now. I get so bogged down by all of it and then just shut down at times. My parents gave me a nice chunk of cash for Christmas last year to go towards a car and here it is December again, and I still haven't bought one. I get so scared, no terrified that I'm going to make a wrong decision and get financially involved in something I can't handle. I enjoy a certain amount of freedom with my finances by not having a car payment. Now I'm just going to be like every other shlub I know, living paycheck to paycheck. I just can't see buying another used car and having to deal with problems inherent with them, but damn it's a lot of money.
So, add one part of fear, 2 parts procastination, a generous dash of phlegm, and you get: a depressed phibug. Why can't I just buck up and do this? I really don't understand when/where I got all scared and reticent to do things. Maybe I need therapy, maybe I need someone to slap me and say "grow up", maybe I just need to eat some dinner and go back to bed, and see what tomorrow brings. later, Philbug.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Turkey day/birthday

So, overall, it was a pretty calm and uneventful thanksgiving. My family went to dinner at a friend's house who is a great cook. Ate way too much, took a nap, all was good. Friday, slept in, checked out a house that my dad is remodeling. Can I just say how impressed I am with my father? If you could see how rundown this great, old beautiful brick house had become, and the tranformation that has taken place over the past few months, you would be astounded. He transformed this 4 room house with horrible additions, into what is going to be a fabulous home. He added on a basement, family room/kitchen combo room, butler's pantry, and laundry room onto the existing structure. He also has ripped out old renovations, added 2 bathrooms, installed new windows, doors, trim, closets, you name it. And all of this still keeps the character of the old house intact. I'll post some before and after shots soon, so Y'all can see what I mean. My dad rocks.
So, my brother has a new puppy, Russanna. That's what the pound named her, and the kids liked it, so it stays. She is such a cute brindle mutt, but bringing her to my parent's for the holiday about did me in. Every 30 seconds, he was yelling at the dog to lie down, or not chew on something, or to calm down. The dog is so scared of him that if he tries to touch her to discipline her, ie drag her outside, put her in her crate, etc... she pees on the floor. This guy does not have the patience for 2 kids and a dog. Though I love my family, it was nice when they headed home, so I could have some peace and quiet on what is now officially my birthday. Yeah, 33. Well, since it is one thirty in the morning, I guess I should head to bed. I plan on sleeping until I wake up, that is, no alarm for me today! later, xophilbug

Monday, November 21, 2005

Thanksgiving stuff

I know, I know, we all hate the "what I'm thankful for" assignment, prayer, sermon, whatever, but several things have lead me to this entry. The main two are a beautiful email I got from my friend Denise about her dad, and this week's sermon at church. Ok, all you godless heathens, don't stop reading, it's not gonna get all religioso. Most of you know I'm a just a big sap at heart, but know all of the following are things I've been thinking about in the past 24 hours or so, and from the heart. So here goes...
Philbug's big list of things he's thankful for (in no particular order, ranking or level of importance. ) Or as Grudgegirl would more than likely prefer, "Philbug's big list of things for which he is thankful, in no particular order, ranking or level of importance. "
I apologise for all gramatical, capitalization and punctuation errors.

-a niece and nephew who make me laugh, and provide me with great stories to tell everyone, ad naseum.
-a family that may not always "get" me, but loves and respects me just the same.
-a boyfriend who does "get" me, love me, who laughs at me when he knows I'm taking myself way too seriously, or acting too dramatically, usually about something as tragic as a hangnail.
-same boyfriend who when we were laughing so hard about something, actually fell out of bed while continuing to laugh, which made us laugh even harder and longer.
-friends who have kept in touch through the years that even when we don't see each other for months at a time, can pick up the conversation just as if we had never parted.
-toasting pumpkin seeds even though I burned my hand on the oven heating element.
-living in a country that can't silence me, my beliefs, or tell me who I can or can't love, no matter how hard the current administration tries to deny or change the basic foundation of our government.
-a church where I, and everyone else in the world are not only accepted or tolerated, but encouraged to worship and attend. (
-a car that (although the heater blower is on the fritz, has some dings, a little rust, etc...) gets my butt to where I need to go.
-a place to live (that although I'm paying too much for rent,m since I'm never there anyway) that is safe and warm or cool when it needs to be.
-a job. (ok, not a career yet, but it pays the bills, and has great benefits, and a schedule I can live with for now)
-parents who though had rules, didn't beat me over the head with them, and though no child wants to admit it, were pretty cool in hindsight.
-a father who owns his own carpentry business, who really wanted to be a farmer, and was for a while, but knows a small operation farmer can hardly pay the bills in today agri-business, let alone put 2 kids through college.
-a mother who was a "stay at home mom" for most of my early years. Who started cleaning houses to help make ends meet when were old enough to stay by ourselves after school. who made both of her boys learn how to do laundry, cook, and clean, who when shopping at (if I remember correctly) Schultz's dept. store, when we were young, buying both my brother and I dolls, telling us "boys can play with dolls too". Who just from those few examples, whether she knows it or not, has made a huge impact in both of her sons lives. Two men who aren't afraid to cry, (okay, so I do it all the time), who love their families and aren't afraid to show it, and can do more than just bring home a paycheck.
-parents who let me take both foods and woodworking in 4H, so I now can both cook the food and build the table to serve it on. Ok, the food will be great, the table so, so.
-a brother who after hating the corporate world, followed in our dad's foot steps and started his own construction business.
-parents who made it clear that not going to college was not an option, and that I'm sure cringe at the amount of money they spent on a degree that doesn't pay the bills. They'll probably never know how much just that act alone has changed my world view, and for good or bad helped me discover the person that I am.
-grandma nettie, who recently died, but taught me though her example of raising five boys, running a farm, and taking care of a crippled husband for over 40 years, that I can conquer anything if I set my mind to it. (And now that I think about it, should really set my mind to whatever "it" is and do it.)
-granpa glenn, who died not as recently, who although, was physically disabled and who I could scarcely understand a word he said, caused by a wreck that occured when my dad was little, still rode his trike up and down the roads collecting aluminum cans, hunted while walking on his crutch, and worked out in his garden.
-grandpa crawn, who though in and out of one hospital after another still manages to make wonderul toys, and furniture out in his wood shop.
-grandma crawn, who raised 6 kids on a farmers wages and who I always used to help put up her Christmas decorations, who read to me when I was young, who's old upright piano I used to bang on when first learning how to play, who travels the world with perfect strangers to places like Japan, and other countries I can't seem to remember.
-grandam great, who died when I was in highschool at the age of 100 years. Who still put out a garden every year, and lived at home until the day she died.
-great aunt mary, who died a few years ago, who although she had a disabling muscular disease, rode her "wheel" (trike) to visit her sister, grandma crawn, over a 2 mile round trip, sometimes twice a day, who although she was thoughtdead at birth, lived to over 70 years, and always remembered everyone's birthdays and sent a card, and usually a check in her scrawling hand.
-Uncle Dan, who after many, many years at a furniture factory, decided to cash in his savings and buy "The Sandwich Shop" to make a living, who made "the best potato salad" so I'm told, I don't like potato salad, who usually made 2 types of dressing to bring to thanksgiving since he knew some people don't like oysters, who doing what he loved more that anything, going to Merom church camp and co-directing every summer, was killed in a car accident on the way home this summer.
Though, I'll miss those who are not at the table this year, I will be thankful that they were a part of my life.
-my first piano teacher, Dorothy Mills, who inspires me yet to this day.
-a mother who would read to me, would drop my brother and I off at the library, who let us check out as much as we wanted, and whatever we wanted, who had to come and find us, to practically drag us out of the library, who always let us buy books off the order forms, and join bookclubs, so we recieved new books in the mail all the time, which is probably why I love to read.
-music, art, and theater, that inspires me, and also lets me express who I am.

There are many other things to be thankful for, but this is my big, of the top of my head, free form, rambling list. Thanks for bearing with me, and have a happy and truly Thankful Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


I meant, consumerisation. Yes, with an "s" like I'm British. I guess "lite" really isn't slang, but some by-product of the prepackaged, overly processed thing we call "food" in our supermarkets. Think Cheez Wiz. ugh. If they have to tell you it is food on the package, do you really want to eat it? As in, Velvetta Cheese food, or Hormel meat product. Give me cheese and meat, not some "product" made FROM them! As, you will learn, I love quotation marks (and parenthesis). Yes, I grew up on mac and cheese in the blue box, and lunch meat, and campbell's soups. I eat that type of thing now, and only taste chemicals, and salt, loads and loads of salt. ICK. Ok, I have been known to use a can of cream of (insert animal or vegetable here) soup in a casserole or some other concoction, but that's about it. Can I just tell you how much I love making and eating casseroles? Tuna, and chicken are my fav's, but sometimes I just do a bunch of veggies, pasta, cream of whatever soup, and top it with bread crumbs and parmasean/romano/asiago, whatever cheese (freshly grated please!) and just bake it up to bubbly goodness. Did I mention I'm cheap, and love taking leftovers for lunch?
So, from where and to what end does this rambling come/go? I have no idea. I really don't know the purpose of this blog other than to make myself write something every once in a while. Although, I don't miss "college" life per se, I do miss writing papers. I'm not into big epics or anything like that. I had the opportunity to have a fabulous English teacher in highschool, who taught us how to write. It's all about a thesis and support, support, support. My writing, though you can't tell from this post, tends to be concise. I figure if you can say it in three pages, why waste your reader's time, and your own, just throwing crap in to make a "page" requirement"? Not to say I don't enjoy READING long works, but I don't think things like a specified page length of an academic paper really proves anything. Ok, again with the rambling.
I'll endwith 3 things:
Stop naming/buying things called"food", and "lite", Buy fresh whatever, whenever you can.

Make a casserole, some soup, or something home made or as I like to call it, "ho' made". (Made by a ho', arent' I clever.) It's cold outside and nothing soothes the soul and tummy, unless you can't cook, like something you make yourself.

Write something every chance you get. It's gotta be good for your brain or somethin'.
later, xophilbug

Oh, and Happy Birthday to my "little" brother, who's 31 today, and my niece who is 4 tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Footlite not Footlight

Yeah, it really is spelled "Footl-i-t-e. I have no idea why. It's kinda like a foot but "lite" as in less fat and calories, I guess. I really hope it is on purpose to make us "stand out" or something, but I think it just makes us look like we've become victims of consumerism and the "slangification" of everything known to man. Yes, you may use my new word, slangification.
So, I'm in The Merry Widow with the IO. Can I just say what a bunch of fluffy nothing this opera is? Yes, it's fun, but take a look at some of our lovely lyrics: "how exciting, tra la la la la la, how delighting tra la la la la la, and if her marriage isn't so, she never marry, no, oh no, oh no." We actually sing this 3 different times, and that's after a soloist sings the whole thing before us (the chorus) each time. BUT, my ULTIMATE FAVORITE LINES are: "For he is as he said before, Parisian to the core, and though we all will whine and pout, we know that soon he'll flee from gay Paree, and then the lovely place he'll be is Les INDEE!" (as in Indy, as in INDIANAPOLIS!!!) Don't ask, it's too painful. And, could someone PLEASE diagram that "sentence" for me? I do get to waltz, so that's fun, even though my partner has two left feet, and I have to pretty much man handle her across the floor. Yeah, I'm a waltzing stud, and you want to touch me. So, I really need to get to bed. It's 5 am, and I have to get for work in two hours and then go to rehearsal until 10:30 after work.

Friday, October 28, 2005

"No pictures please" previous post

This was taken in January 2005 in the dressing room at Foolite. I'm surely expounding on something all important like the necessity of seeds in raspberry jam or extolling the virtues of Colgate over Crest. Notice John and Amy (in the mirrors) in rapt attention of my orations. I just have power over people that I must remember to use for the common good.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

My Biaches and the amazing disappearing shirt!

philbug, lezbor, pregor, adultor, and
the amazing disappearing shirt.
Sounds like a band name to me.
So here we are at the ISM. I just love that "-ism." The Indiana State Museum that is. We also have an IMA, Indianapolis Museum of art, and an IMOCA, Indianapolis Museum of Modern Art. Gotta love those wacky acronyms.
Notice the trendy 3d glasses we are wearing. Try not to notice the amazing, disappring shirt! So, I don't even notice the shirt thing until I'm uploading photos onto my computer. I saw this pic and just about peed my pants. It make me laugh EVERY time I see it or even think about seeing it. Poor Beth in her way cute Scorpio shirt that has secret powers. OH, also notice I'm wearing a Closer t-shirt. Got it as a free promo from my bf. Finally, I saw the movie this week. I hated it. Even with all the beautiful people in it. 3 words: Jude, Law, Yum. I still hated it. But I love that cozy, light-weight shirt. I'll probably still wear it. It's not like it's an Ishtar or Gigli t-shirt. Ok, haven't seen them, but I've heard. Well, can't think of anything witty tonight/this morning.
later, gators, xophilbug

Morgan and me
I'm not a celebrity whore or anything, but I just love Morgan Freeman. This was at the 2004 Snake Pit Ball for the Indianapolis 500. I was a very nice man, calm, patient, didn't get annoyed by all the gawkers wanting his picture, while he was trying to eat his dinner. He even got up and did the Electric Slide with the rest of the dancers. And he's so tall. I'm standing/crouching, and he's sitting down. Okay, I know I'm also short!!!

New look.

I am sooo not that computer literate! I know what I need to know, as I need to know it. I hope I like this new look. I really need to figure out how everything works on here!
Coming soon, FSOTMC pics from past "meetings", including the amazing disappearing shirt!
My oh-so-cute bunny rabbit named, Hop. Is jumping around the room, doing his "bunny dance" as I call it. Too cute!!!
night all.

Grudge Girl

Ok, d@# I did it again, starting with "ok", ugh. so, I'm reading my friend grudgegirl 's blog. HI-larious, I must say. Check it out; you won't be disappointed. So, more ramblings, for today, only 8 months between posts. I have no idea why I have this thing, but I figure I might as well use it. My boyfriend says if I put anything about him in this blog, he'll kill me. So, I won't. He just doesn't get it/see the point/is a pretty private person. That's cool, I have no secrets. Well, at least none you're going to find out. Well, let's see, dum de dum... oh, something about me, okay. drat!
I work in the world's largest used bookstore chain, Half Price Books, (HPB). I know, I know, you wish you could touch me. I have held several different positions there. Not, of the sexual type mind you. I started out as the lowly bookseller/worker one. This is what everyone starts out as. I progressed to "worker two" (more resposibility, maybe a smidge more pay) and then to "store inventory manager" (SIM) . Again, more responsibility, maybe a smidge more pay. I had to do displays, process shipment, order/reorder merchandise, etc... I eventually made it to ASSISTANT MANAGER #2. Ooh ahh, now you REALLY want to touch me don't you? This was basically low man on the totem pole manager. I was in charge when no one was around, but still couldn't make any major decisions. then I moved to NYC ok, really Jersey City, just across the river with my then boyfriend, and one of my best girl friends. "We're going to Broadway Y'all"(Parker Posey as Libby Mae Brown in Waiting for Guffman.) Yeah, whatever. Let me state right now, this was not my dream. It was the dream of my then boyfriend and best girl friend. Yes, I love to perform, but was happy here in l'il ol' Indinapolis. But my heart won out over my head, and I followed someone else's dream. We left in early November, and I came back to Indy the 2nd week of January. My turn of the Milennium was spent with me slobbering all over myself about wanting to go home. I guess that's one way to start off a new century. I called my mom, and said I was coming home. I called my manager, sure I could come back to work. And I did, and was lowly" bookseller" again, and then SIM again, and then back to bookseller. And that's where I am 10, yes TEN years (ok in April) of working at HPB.
In a rut? You betcha' sistah. But I'm making changes. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but I know it's not a bookseller.
until next time.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

first post

Ok, so I now have a blog. I probably won't have anything to say. I fought it like I fought off getting a cell phone, but it's over and done with now. Ok, so much for my first exciting post.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

no pictures please Posted by Hello

First Sunday of the Month Club

First Sunday of the Month Club
ok, so apparantly, I'm going to open every f*cking blog entry with "ok". I promise to break myself of the habit.
xo philbug

First Sunday of the Month Club

First Sunday of the Month Club
Ok, so I have this great bunch of friends who I've known for what seems like forever. They're like the sisters I never had growing up. We try to do "cultural things" together once a month, preferable on the first Sunday, hence the name, First Sunday of the Month Club. We've decided it doesn't have to be on the first sunday, or even on a sunday, but that's as good of place to begin and an good enough name I think. Besides, "the very special people club" was already taken, and it's a given that we are all "very special people." This month was lunch and games at my house. If you have never played Mad Gab, do yourself a favor and run to the nearest store, buy one, and then get all of your friends together to play. You will not be disappointed. Basically, the game involves cards that have words that spell out phrases on them that appear to be nonsense. However, when read aloud, they sound out common phrases or names. My favorite so far is "Woodchuck Air Ford Us Hurt." this one has us rolling!!! Ok, not a great description, but get the game and you'll see what I mean. Ok, that's my ramdomness for today.
later, philbug.